I also watched as hundreds of people streamed passed him and did there best to avoid him by completely ignoring him. We were at a bus stop in front of Jolibees when we heard some ruckus and two young boys went running by. We turned around to see the cause of this, and there hoping towards us was a legless man. Everyone, including myself, turned away as he continued to quickly hop passed us and to the edge of the road. I could barely comprehend what I just saw, so I turned to look at him again. I did not want to look at his legs, so I looked at his face, and was captivated by what I saw. He was young looking, maybe in his 20s or 30s. His eyes did not have that hallow, empty look like so many homeless. And though it seemed so out of place, and almost wrong, he looked happy and somewhat content. But he had big scar on his right cheek that told me his life was anything but happy. I was surprised that He did not look at us, nor was he begging for money. He just studied the road intently, and once let out a weird sounding cry, as if he was trying to speak but couldn't. Then I noticed he wore sandals on his hands. I assume so that they wouldn't be shredded as he hopped around the city.
A couple times I thought he would turn and look as us, maybe ask for money, or chase us like he chased the boys, but he never did. I kept expecting him to make eye contact with sad, sad eyes, but he would not. He just sat there, waiting for the road to clear. I wanted to say something to him, do something, anything but stare. I asked Pastor if I should give him money. He said No. I figured because then everyone would want money. I asked if we should do something, but everyone just looked at me with an amused compassion and said something I don't remember. All I was hearing is that they didn't want to help, and even louder, my own guilt for not doing anything. My heart was breaking for this man. I wanted so badly to talk to him, to share Jesus's love with him, and let him know not everyone was ignoring him, and that someone cares, but to be honest, i was afraid of him. Could he even speak? Would he be angry with me for taking pity on him? (He looked very vicious with the boys) Or would he appreciate it if I talked to him? Treated him like a human, and not a dog? A very faint memory of a wheel chair ministry came to my mind, and thought maybe it was Ser Jess I heard mention it. I asked Ser Jess about it, but he had no idea what I was talking about. He said he'd consider it. I wanted very bady to get this man a wheel chair. A feeling creep into my heart, and I knew it was wrong to feel this way, but i was frustrated that none of the men would step up and talk to him. After all, it might be safer, and more normal for them to speak with him. Another memory from Africa, of one of our leaders carrying a young girl with cybrilpalsy to the doctor, jumped into my head. It didn't really matter that I was a girl, and the guys were probably just as scared as me. Deep in my heart, I knew I should try to reach out to this man. But I hesitated, and about the time I felt like I was going to risk my life and talk to him, the road cleared and he hopped very quickly across the road on his hands, and disappeared into the dark streets.
Why are the hands of God (us christians) not reaching?
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the Body of Christ" ~ Casting Crowns song
And even though I despaired for awhile over this one man's life, I am comforted that others are being healed, and that
--> "What would Jesus do?" This one really hit me. Most of us go to church every Sunday, for some even everyday, to listen to God's word. Don't we realize what does the Word of God wants us to do? Reach out to people and share them what we have, and that is Jesus. I mean ALL people. Most of the time, we choose the people we want to have a conversation. We're choosy that is. But God wants all people to be saved: the crippled, the mute, the ill, everyone! That is because God loves us all and He wants to share His love to all of us, with us realizing it. To experience life with Jesus as the center of it. It would be really nice to die in body and live forever in spirit, don't you think?
Always do to the answer "What would Jesus do?" I'm sure, it'll be the best thing to be done. :)
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