Sunday, June 21, 2009

You Never Learned, You Mother F*cking A*ssh*le!

I can't this anymore! I don't think I had the problem when we were in our High School days! I think it is you, Edward! (magalit na gustong magalit pero i-bo-blog ko pa rin 'to!)

I heard so many stories of you and your not-moving-on thing and unfaithfulness. Yeah. First story was when we had our HS reunion. You never came there. We wondered why until Mario saw your text message to my friend Marriane, who happens to be your girlfriend, saying something like she's with us in an out-most disgust to us, including your closest friends, the boys! For me, that was really pissing. What more with the side of the boys, right??? I don't know what to say on how he has reciprocated every time my friends and I are with his girlfriend. Take note of this, he's being jealous with one of his used-to-be closest friend, Joshua. For what reason?? I really don't get you! We already settled everything when we had our retreat, right?? How come you still had some bitterness towards us?

Second, still in our HS reunion is the sex thing when we were in our junior years in HS. F*ck you! You used to be mad to me (I think until know) being so close to your girl and the hugging thing that made my HS days the worst days of my life. Then, I heard from the boys that Catherine (one of our classmates in HS), gave you a bj while you and my FRIEND Marriane are together??? Crap! What the hell was that???? I don't get you, boys! You are being jealous of other people while you are doing something that will not only make girls hurt but also make the relationship rotten, and eventually be broken. Marriane still doesn't know about this, be thankful! As*h*le!

Lastly, the girl on your school. You were flirting with her knowing that you were with my other friends, Dheziree and Jeena! That really great! I applaud you for being a true freaking pain in the a*s! Marriane never cried when she heard this, she told us she had enough of the crying and she better talk to Edward regarding the issue. I pity my girl friend. She's doing everything to make the relationship work, but you are giving her reasons to end what the both of you have right now. I advised her that she should get rid of you. An unfaithful person will always be unfaithful for the rest of his life.

Between the two of us, undeniably you were the more 'immature', together with your little devils sitting on your shoulders. You better drag yourself to hell!

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