Friday, November 6, 2009

one thing

There is this one thing I really miss doing. When I was in my high school, sophomore to senior years, I used to do it, more often than not and if I was given a chance. As I went to college, there were few opportunities to grasp in able to do the thing I miss doing. Until now, my body longing for it. I really miss performing. I miss dancing.

Whew! You don't know how I badly want to perform and dance again. Going back to my high school, I with my friends joined every dance contest there was in school, cheering competitions, the real dance competitions in our school, presentations, even there is a need of intermission number! Name it! Hahaha. I was indeed a very active student back then. Well, besides that I really love doing it, I need to have some extra curricular activity for my honor thing (unluckily, I was not part of the honorable mentions! LOL). Anyways, I miss the feeling of performing in front of so many people. The feeling that you can show them that you really got some dancing skills, the smile I make when I perform, the cheering of the crowd, the feeling you get from all those things. Whoop! Not to mention of the feeling of winning and being praised by those whom you don't know. Aaarrgggghh! I so miss it.

In my college, I only performed very seldom. Presentation for Thinkers EEC and Induction, mini-cheering competitions in Mapua-IEEE. Yeah. That's why I am willing to teach little steps in mini-cheering competitions even though I'm not an applicant of IEEE anymore. Hahaha. I just love dancing, that's all.

Now that I am not privileged to showcase my dancing prowess, hahahaha! Call me lunatic, crazy, anything! I dance even in our house! Of course when I'm alone! I'm not that freak, you know! Even before getting to sleep, I fantasize of performing in ASAP! I don't what I'm thinking! LOL. Maybe it's one of my ways to channel my longing for dancing. If I was given a chance anything related to dancing, hell I'll grab that chance! ^^

How about you, what do miss doin'?

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